Hacklock Hack Android Pattern From Termux
Hack Android Pattern From Termux With This Tool
Hello friends my name is Tauqeer Khan. Today we talk about how you can hack the screen lock of any mobile. With the help of hack lock.
Nowadays you must have seen that almost 90% of the people keep their mobile with lock. In such a situation, this thought will also come to your mind. In such a situation, the thought of unlocking the mobile of your friend or a family member would also come, so if you want to check with you in such a situation, then it is very easy to do. You will send him a link, as soon as the victim clicks on the link, an interface will appear in front of him. There he will get the option to enter the screen pin. As soon as he puts the screen lock there, then the mobile screen lock of the victim will be hacked.
Hacklock is a Bash-based script, from this tool you can officially generate a pattern phishing tool, which can hunt and hack in just one click. This tool works on both rooted Android devices and non-rooted Android devices.
For this, first you have to download the Termux app. If you have not downloaded the Termux app, then you can download the Termux app by clicking on the download button above. If you have already downloaded then follow the below command step by step.
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
pkg install python -y
pkg install python2 -y
pkg install git -y
pip install lolcat
git clone https://github.com/noob-hackers/hacklock
cd $HOMElscd hack
bash setup
bash hacklock. sh
[+]--Now you need an internet connection to continue the further process and Turn on your device hotspot to get the link...
[+]--You will receive a patter pin in the below image you can see a pattern with numbers
[+]--You can select an option by clicking on your keyboard
[+]--Note:- Don't delete any of the scripts included in core files
After following all the states, it will generate you a link, after copying the link, you send it to your victims. As soon as the victim clicks on this link, the first enter screen lock option will appear in front of him. As soon as he enters the screen lock, that screen lock will come to yo u.
If a new update is available then you can update the script with the help of this option.